WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH

TOUCHED BY NATURE – Intensive nature spectacles, animal encounters and (diving) travel experiences, some of them to the remotest corners of our planet, are the speciality of Wirodive.

With concentrated team competence and a lot of (diving) heart and soul, the Moosburgers offer a portfolio that goes far beyond the usual stations of any diving career. And this for over 25 years!


  • 24h Emergency Hotline
  • Insolvency and liability insurance
  • 13 Employees
  • Founded: 1995
  • Approved training company

Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH
Egerlandstr. 30
85368 Moosburg/Isar

Tel: +49 8761 724 8000
Fax: +49 8761 724 8010
E-Mail: info@wirodive.de
Web: www.wirodive.de